Catering Service

Catering and hospitality are core services for many publlc sector organisations and it’s important to get the right service for your organisation. Catering procurement is notoriously difficult to get right but when it is procured successfully it is one of the biggest areas where your organisation can:

  • Maximise quality
  • Return on investment
  • Innovation
  • Value for money

You have the opportunity to make amazing savings through a well delivered catering process and there is also the potential for your organisation to make an income from it.

The catering process

The procurement process for outsourced catering services is complicated but Crescent’s consultants and catering experts will ensure the process runs smoothly. The process will take at least three months to complete and the team will provide you with support throughout the entire process. Once your new service is delivered it will be tailored to your organisation’s needs and can be designed to provide delicious food and balanced meals.

Crescent’s catering team

The team at Crescent Services understand the mechanics of good catering procurement. We have a record of helping our customers to save money and significantly improve their services. We can improve poor-performing operations and help you turn loss into profit. Crescent has a team of catering specialists and procurement experts who will ensure that your catering contract adheres to the Public Contract Regulations whilst getting the best commercial results for your organisation.

Jonathan is a member of our catering team!

Jonathan Whittle

Jonathan has over 30 years of expertise in catering and hospitality across the public and private sectors. His experience includes roles as Events Manager at Stockport Council, Head of Hospitality at The Lowry in Salford, Conference and Marketing Manager at Leeds University and Head of Catering at the University of Bangor.

Our expertise

Crescent have many years of expertise gained in senior roles in both public and private sector organisations. Together this brings in-depth commercial knowledge with a fresh and innovative approach.

Crescent’s catering service offers​

Crescent’s broad menu of services can be tailored to meet the needs of your organisation. We offer one-off catering procurement advice through to a fully managed catering tender service, so whether you are looking to procure a new catering contract, review your service or maximise your contract management, Crescent’s dedicated team can support you.

Specification development

Are you thinking about a new concept or direction for your catering operations? Crescent’s catering specialists have extensive public sector experience and they will help you design the best catering and hospitality solution for your organisation


We provide tailored support to find the right contract catering supplier for your organisation. Our procurement consultants will support you with pre-market engagement, tender documents, managing the tender process, leading evaluations and running supplier presentations. Together Crescent’s expert support will procure a new quality catering service which offers value for money, healthy food and the opportunity to achieve a return on investment and upgrade to state-of-the-art facilities.

Contract management

Crescent provide our customers with complimentary phone and email support for the full contract lifetime of our catering tender service to help ensure that you get the benefits your contract promised. Should you require hands-on support we will attend contract review meetings and assist with supplier management for the duration of the agreement, for a competitive fee.


Crescent’s expert team will use their specialist knowledge to evaluate your catering service and make sure you are receiving comparable value across the marketplace.

Investing in your future workforce

Crescent are a not-for-profit organisation and we are the only procurement consultancy which is owned by the education sector, meaning that our surpluses are reinvested back into projects that benefit the education sector, your workforce of tomorrow.

We support both public and private sector organisations, contact us to arrange a free procurement 1 to 1.